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You Alone

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In Your hands
You hold every star
And You hold my heart
My beating heart

With Your voice
You created life
And opened up my eyes
My blinded eyes

There is one like You, no one

Great is the Lord
Ruler of all
You alone
Conquered the grave
You are the way
You alone
You alone

At the cross
You stretched out Your arms
Now You wear the scars
You wear the scars

At Your name
Every knee will bow
Every voice will shout
We will shout

There is one like You, no one

Great is the Lord
Ruler of all
You alone
Conquered the grave
You are the way
You alone
You alone

We lift our holy hands to You our Savior
Your love is shining through the dark
We wanna see Your kingdom
Reign forever
Jesus we worship who You are

There is one like You, no one
There is one like You, no one
There is one like You, no one
There is one like You, no one

Great is the Lord
Ruler of all
You alone
Conquered the grave
You are the way
You alone

Great is the Lord
Ruler of all
You alone
Conquered the grave
You are the way
You alone
Jesus, You alone

© 2013 Sweet Pacific Music, Thirsty Moon River Publ. Inc. (ASCAP) (adm. at / Tent Creative Songs (BMI) / James Mead pub designee
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