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Scars In Heaven

Casting Crowns

Hands holding each other in support as a group of people


Let’s come together and pray for each other! This is a safe place for you to share what’s on your heart with others in the community. Share your prayer requests anonymously, and be uplifted as others pray with you!


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October 20, 2024


Tucker Berry, a 21 year old believer in Lockwood, Missouri suffered a head injury yesterday and is reportedly brain dead. Please pray for his recovery as his Doctor expressed little hope of recovery. His only hope is in the Lord's work bringing him back to recovery and then full function.

October 19, 2024

Toxic work

Serious prayer my store manager, Zach. He didn't let me or a guy named Dave have a break. I need prayer for protection and Mercy and justice. It's crazy, I can't even get a drink or food! I forgave him but God can do what he wants with that place. It's out of my hands. God bless you.This is crossing a line. Thank you and God bless you 🙏

October 19, 2024

Finance and My Health

I'm 63 yrs. old and living with my son who has gone through 3 heart attacks, and has gout. I'm a little person with deep health issues, my main issue is my left knee bone on bone for 3 years. We are financially trying to keep our heads up.Our house is in need of some repairs. Please pray everything will one day be ok for us..

October 19, 2024

Healing and Restoration of Relationships and Saving my Marriage

I seriously hurt and betrayed my whole family and now I’m in serious risk of loosing everything but I very much desire and long for healing, restoration and forgiveness for everyone involved. It all starts at our typical family lunch on Sundays. I’ll try to keep this as short as I can but still giving as much detail as I can. In retaliation for my sister in law becoming rather mean and hateful towards my son I chose to do nothing in the moment and just let it blow over as always. The next day though as I thought about it I let my emotions get the best of me and I posted my sister in-laws number online so random people would contact her. This is no excuse for what I did and I definitely should not have done it but in the moment I felt like I needed people to be mean to her. As the day went on I had no idea what was happening but later finding out that she was getting so much contact that she had to shut her phone off. I removed the post with her number knowing that it had gone too far and enough was enough. That night I could not sleep, I knew that I could likely not say anything and it would probably all blow over but that bothered me and early the next morning I confessed to my wife that it was me that posted the number. As soon as I could I called my sister in law and apologized. At this point I’ve put everyone in very difficult positions, my sister in law wants nothing to do with me and now my wife feels she has to choose between me and the rest of family. I have offered apologies to every individual involved and expressed remorse and wish to make things right with everyone. At this point I’ve been kicked out of the house as my wife struggles with what steps she is going to take. The whole family knows what I’ve done but no one is talking to one another about it. With my wife this brings into question my entire almost 10 year marriage and all of the bad decisions I’ve made. Coming to an end, I know how wrong this was, no one deserved that treatment and it should have been dealt with extremely differently. Again this is not an excuse but my personality does not handle conflict well and will try to avoid if possible and my wife is very much the same way, so when it comes to my sister in law we tend to let things slide because no one want to feel the wrath of her. My sister in law has very much a different personality where she can pretty confidently say and do things regardless of how it may affect others. Again, that’s certainly no excuse, I completely own what I did. So at this time I ask for serious prayer, I ask that Jesus comes into all of our hearts and I pray for healing and restoration of all of our relationships. I pray for forgiveness. I pray for my wife to remember why we got married, I pray for love and compassion and grace. I pray that my marriage is spared and that I not lose my wife and children. I pray to not lose a relationship with anyone in my family, I love them all, each and everyone. Please pray for us.

October 18, 2024


Praying for a miracle…

October 16, 2024

The struggle bus of money

My job has failed to pay me for hours I've worked, and we were also laid off last week and I cannot get unemployment for some reason. It was rejected. Our car is falling apart and I have no ability to save up for all the work needed done. Close to 2 grand worth. I'm trusting God when He says we will be okay. But with winter and holidays coming up… money is always on my mind. Patience is a virtue but I'm struggling to find it.

October 16, 2024

My Liver

Please lift your praying hands up to God Almighty to restore my liver from cirrhosis to a healthy liver, in Jesus name, Amen 🙏🏾

October 15, 2024

my family

Hi my name is Kenzie and I'm 10 years old and my mom cheated on my dad and they are now divorced and I live with my mom's parents and my dad's parents and we're homeschooled and our 2 dogs and 2 cats are in foster care and I would do anything in the world for my mom and dad to get back together and for our old house back and my pets back pls be praying

October 15, 2024

Son finances

My son is a first responder and works 2 jobs and has a young family. He is needing a financial miracle and wisdom. This is an urgent matter

October 13, 2024


Please pray I can stop worrying. I pray that I can give it to God.